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12. Wrz 2024
Jazz in the symphony hall – Cameo illuminates the 2024 FIJAZZ Festival in Alicante
12. Wrz 2024
Sax loves MAUI® – Interview with DJ Jetro
10. Wrz 2024
Lumina – Immersive installation with Cameo and LD Systems in the Toledo Cathedral
5. Wrz 2024
Interview: Lighting designer Mathieu Cabanes and Morgan Coeurdray from Novelty on the “Cité Immersive Viking” museum exhibition
30. Sie 2024
Comparison of light sources: LED, laser, and discharge lamp
28. Sie 2024
Laser beams in the middle of nature – Cameo ORON® H2 at the Open Beatz Festival
22. Sie 2024
Talking to one another is golden – inclusive dance project “Babylon” in the hr-Sendesaal with Cameo and LD Systems MAILA®
20. Sie 2024
In interview: Marek Papke on his Cameo design for NATURE ONE 2024
15. Sie 2024
Adam Hall Group at the PLASA Show 2024 – new highlights for live events and installations